Saturday, September 27, 2014

September End

I can't really believe that the last time I posted was back in May... I'm a horrible person, guys. I make all these promises to post and then I don't. I don't really have any excuses, unless Netflixing counts?
I haven't really been on social media all that much, so it's not just blogger that I've been absent from, but I really think I'm coming back. for real. so...

There's a contest going on at Rooglewood Press.


Are any of y'all entering in it? I'm trying, and I feel like I have a really cool concept going on, but I haven't hit any writing sprees, so it hasn't gotten very far and I'm not sure I'll finish it. But, I am excited to read everyone else's! Beauty and the Beast is a favorite of mine.
     If you're entering in it, I'd love to hear what genre it is, if you don't mind telling! (and the reason I say that last bit is because I don't really want to give out mine...)

I have yet to read the fanfiction over at Tales of Goldstone Wood, even though I promised my friend I would. The titles are pulling me in (example: The Delicate Matter of Murder; seriously, doesn't that peak your curiosity even a little bit?) so I probably will get to them over the weekend.

I'm re-reading Lord of the Rings. The last time I read them was almost four years ago, so I figured I should re-read them when I'll appreciate and understand them more (I mean, I only read them the first time because they wouldn't let me watch the movies until I read the books first).

And in a couple days, I'm going to be interviewing a villain. Really, I am. I'm really coming back. No, I'm not trying to convince myself. Sort of.

Anyway, that's all my interesting "writer news". What's yours, my fellow writers and readers?

Savo'lass a lalaith,

-The Writer


  1. Yay!!! So wonderful to have you back, Molly! Seriously, I missed you!

  2. You're back! Huzzah!
    "The Delicate Matter of Murder" is awesome. So are "Eternal", "Into Goldstone Wood", "Tears of a Thrush", and "Goldfinch and the Dragon". Actually, they're all awesome. Those ones are just my favorites.
    I'm looking forward to the villain interview!

    1. Awesomeness- I'll look those up first! Thanks for the recommendations. :)

  3. How cool! I'll definitely be checking out your blog. : )

    1. Thanks Allison! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!

  4. Hi, Molly. Have been wondering how you were. Great hearing from you. Are you considering doing more theatrical productions?

    Yes, I plan to enter Five Enchanted Roses Contest. I have a fantasy story called "Blind Beauty" that in some ways parallels the original fairy tale but, (hopefully), has enough differences to make it unique. I love Beauty and the Beast, too. It's one of my favorite fairy tales.

    And, "The Delicate Matter of Murder" was terrific as was all the fan fiction! Intrigued by the prospect of a "villain" interview. God bless you.

  5. Hey Meredith! It's great to hear from you too! Yes, I am hoping to do some more theatrical productions...we'll see where auditions take me. ;)

    I love the title of your story! I can't wait to see what you do with it. Really excited!
    God bless you too!
